Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering
Geonwoong Kim
Thesis Title: Additive manufacturing of 3D surfaces with grandient topography and property for meta material absorber
학위논문: 점진적인 구조 및 특성 변화를 갖는 3차원 표면의 적층제조 및 메타물질 흡수체로의 응용
Current Position: Agency for Defense Development (ADD)
Hyun Jun Ryu
Thesis Title: Design and Multi-scale Precision Manufacturing of Micro-Structured Pads for Optimizing Material Removal Rate of Cu Chemical Mechanical Polishing
학위논문: 구리 화학적기계연마 공정 시 재료제거율 최적화를 위한 마이크로구조화 패드의 설계 및 멀티스케일 정밀제조
Current Position: KAIST Postdoctoral Associate
Inyeong Yang
Thesis Title: Micro/Nano Surface Processing for Lithium-metal Battery Anodes and Anode Current Collectors with Enhanced Cycle-life and Improved Coulombic Efficiency
학위논문: 장수명/고효율 리튬메탈배터리 음극 및 음극 집전체 구현을 위한 미세표면가공 기술
CV | google scholar
Current Position: Hyundai Motor Company
Somin Shin
Thesis Title: Downsizing Porous Structures in Polymeric Brushes for High-Efficient Cleaning of Ultrafine Surface Contaminants
학위논문: 고효율 초미세오염물 제거를 위한 마이크로/나노 세정 브러쉬 개발
Current Position: KAIST Postdoctoral Associate
Master (M.S.) in Mechanical Engineering
Seounghee Yun
Thesis Title: Material removal behavior of surface structured pads in chemical mehcnical polishing
학위논문: 화학적기계적연마에서 표면구조화 패드의 재료제거 거동
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Yoon Sick Eum
Thesis Title: Hot embossing of electrospun nanofiber network for nanoengineering applications
학위논문: 나노 응용분야 적용을 위한 전기방사된 나노섬유 네트워크의 핫 엠보싱 기술
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Dongyeon Won
Thesis Title: Improving Lithium Battery Performance by Current Collector Surface Modification with Copper-Zinc Dual-metal Electrodeposition
학위논문: 구리-아연 이종 금속 전기증착 공정 기반 집전체 표면 개질을 통한 리튬 메탈 전지의 성능 개선 연구
Current Position: LG Energy Solution
Dong Geun Kim
Thesis Title: Photopolymerization Additive Manufacturing of CMP Pad with Gradational Hardness and Characterization of its Polishing Behavior
학위논문: 점진적 경도를 갖는 화학적 기계적 연마 패드의 광중합 적층 제조 및 연마 특성 분석
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Taemin Kim
Thesis Title: Co-Axial Multi-Material Extrusion (CAMME) 3D Printing
학위논문: 동축 다종소재 압출 3D 프린팅
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Filippo Danilo Michelacci
Thesis Title: On-site process monitoring and autonomous control of a CNC milling machine using CNN and Bayesian Optimization
학위논문: CNN 및 베이지안 최적화를 활용한 CNC 밀링 기계의 현장 공정 모니터링 및 자율 제어
Current Position: VPIX Medical
Jihae Chang
Thesis Title: High Efficiency particulate Air(HEPA) Filters Fabricated by Stepwise Growth with Structural Hierarchy
학위논문: 단계별 계층구조 성장기법으로 제작된 고효율 공기입자(HEPA) 필터
Current Position: Samsung Electronics
Sukkyung Kang
Thesis Title: Surface Polishing using Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Fixed-Abrasives
학위논문: 수직 정렬된 탄소나노튜브를 고정 연마재로 활용한 표면 연마 기술
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Seung Hun Yoo
Thesis Title: Nanoporous cu Air Filter Electrostatic Collection of Particulate Matter with Antibiotic Characteristics
학위논문: 정전기적 미세먼지 포집이 가능한 구리 나노다공성 항균공기필터
Current Position: Samsung Electronics
Seong Jae Kim
Thesis Title: Surface-Spreading of Self-Enriched Analyte for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy using Nanoporous Microarray Structures
학위논문: 자가농축된 피분석체의 표면도포 기능을 활용한 나노다공성 미세배열 구조체 기반 표면증강라만분광법
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Robert Barth
Thesis Title: Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Photometer for MEasuring Ozone Gas Concentrations
학위논문: 오존 가스 농도를 측정하는 저비용 광도계의 설계 및 평가
Ji Hyuck Son
Thesis Title: High-Speed 3D Printing with Enhanced Isotropic Strength using Post Core Casting
학위논문: 후속 주사 공정을 이용한 FFF 3D 프린팅 고속화, 고강도화 및 기계적 등방화
Current Position: Samsung Electronics
Inyeong Yang
Thesis Title: Structurally Tailored Hierarchical Anode Surface for Selective Inward Lithium Growth in Lithium-metal Batteries
학위논문: 선택적 내부 전착이 가능한 마이크로/나노 복합 리튬-금속 배터리 음극구조에 대한 연구
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Hyun Jun Ryu
Thesis Title: Study on Characterization and Improvement of CMP Performace at Single Contact Point of Pad Micro-Asperity
학위논문: 패드 단일미세돌기 접촉점에서의 화학적기계연마 연마성능 분석 및 개선 방안
Current Position: KAIST PhD Program
Individual Study [+Undergraduate Research Program]
Seonghee Yoon
from 2018 Winter to 2022 Summer [+URP 2018 Winter, 2019 Spring]
Current Position: KAIST
Gabin Ryu
from 2020 Summer to 2022 Winter
Current Position: Massachusetts Institute of Science and Technology (MIT)
Hyeryeong Kwon (권혜령) 2024 Fall
Byeongju Park (박병주) 2024 Summer, Fall
Junsoo Park (박준수) 2023 Winter
Suchang Park (박수창) 2022 Summer, Fall, 2023 Spring [+URP 2023 Summer, Fall]
Jeongsoo Park (박정수) 2021 Spring
Sein Im (임세인) 2020 Winter, 2021 Spring
Semin Kim (김세민) 2020 Winter
Yoon Sick Eum (엄윤식) 2020 Winter, 2021 Spring, [+URP 2021 Summer, Fall], Winter, 2022 Spring
Jisung Kim (김지성) 2020 Summer, Fall
Taeho Yoon (윤태호) 2020 Summer
Minseung Cho (조민승) 2020 Summer, Fall
Taemin Kim (김태민) 2019 Winter, 2020 Spring [+URP 2020 Summer, Fall]
Hyeongmin Je (제형민) 2019 Summer, Fall, 2020 Spring, Summer, Fall
Junho Park (박준호) 2019 Summer
Jihyuk Son (손지혁) 2019 Spring, Summer
Seongjae Kim (김성재) 2019 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Seonghee Seo (서승희) 2018 Winter
Other Past Members
Dr. Ji-hun Jeong
Postdoctoral Associate
(2020. 9-2022. 10)
Current Position: MIT
Dr. Jae Young Seok
Postdoctoral Associate
(2019. 3-2019. 4)
Current Position: Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Hyewon Yang
Research Administrator
Current Position: KAIST
Gyuhyeon Han
M.S. Candidate
(2021.03 - current)
Current Position: DIDEN ROBOTICS (entrepreneurial leave of absence)